
The Blogging Adventure Begins

Thursday, August 31, 2017

This is my second time blogging, his first time blogging and our first time blogging together.
We have this motto that we do everything together, some of you may think we are crazy because you need your space, however we believe that there are certain things we go together or not at all. One major reason is because 5 of our 11 1/2 years was long distance, so we had plenty of time separated. The second reason is that we are each other's best friend, so why wouldn't we want to hangout together? He is one of the girls, my friends know that wherever I go he is surely coming with and vice versa. Sure there are times when we want some special time with just the girls or boys (harder for him since all of his close friends are in NY.), but those times only happen when the other one is at work and usually only consists of lunch and "window" shopping. 😉

We have begun a new adventure with buying our first house June of this year. We have always discussed the idea of making a blog together, it is just making sure you actually put in the time for the blog. So this adventure begins!

Thanks for your support and we hope to share more with you soon!

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