
Our Home and Irma

Sunday, September 17, 2017

So, we have not posted this week due to the damages that Irma brought. Our home is fine, however the winds blew over one of our trees in the front yard, which so happened to land on the power lines. It was a HUGE mess! The fire department was so busy all they could do was block it off with caution tape. However, it was causing quite the jam. It blocked half of the neighborhood from getting in and out. Finally, some guys decided to take matters into their own hands and cut the tree themselves, enough room to allow people to drive in and out. Before and while they were cutting, we helped people get their kids and allowed them to use our driveway to park. We did the little that we cold in this situation. We also, met a lot of our neighbors in the process.

It took a couple of days for the electric company to repair the pole, which was snapped in three places from the tree. It took us an extra day to get power because it damaged our electrical outlets on the side of our house. We had to hire an electrician and they were able to come out the next day. It was crazy how quickly things happened on Thursday! The electrician came and fixed the outlet/power source, then snapping shoals hooked up our electricity and right after Charter came and hooked up our wifi. It was as if they were waiting for the other to fix the issue so they can fix their part.

It was not that bad without power, we luckily have a gas hot water heater and gas stove. What sucked was that I need a fan (white noise) to sleep. Any little noise keeps me from falling asleep, so needless to say we were running on little sleep.

This was also the weekend our furbabies decided to do everything in their power to escape. So, while we went to work, they had to stay in side, because they keep digging out. We have done so many different things to try to prevent them from being able to get out. We are currently looking into an electric fence. We fill that will be the only thing that would prevent them from trying.

Were you and your family affected by Irma?

We hope everyone is safe and with little damage!

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